Wednesday 15 June 2016

How to crack wireless network

5 ways to Hack Wireless Network
Posted in Articles, Linux , Security • 2 years ago •
Written by Shais • 20 Comments
In previews article about securing or Hack Wireless
Network “ 5 Steps to Secure your home Wireless
Network” we understand pretty enough for securing
home Wireless Network. But now it’s time to know
how the hackers break and get access to your
Wireless Access Point WAP?
In this article I’m gonna to Show you 5 ways to pen
test a wireless network. It’s all for educational
purpose only and don’t use in wrong way.
The Tools we need is Kali Linux or Backtrack.
Download the latest Kali Linux from here .
First one is using Wifite to capture Wireless traffic
and save it as a file, and next crack the saved Client
handshake in the file with aircrack and creating
word list with Crunch.
In order to do this, open terminal and type wifite and
hit enter.
Wifite Result
Let the Wifite search and find all Wireless SSIDs.
When you find them press Ctrl+C to stop searching
and select the number of network you want to hack
Searching Wireless Access Point
In the point of WPS Attack, press Ctrl+C to reject
the WPS Attack.
Reject WPS attack
Wifite forced the clients to authenticate with WAP by
sending de-authenticate request.
Send de-authenticate request
Authentication is the process of sending user name
and password from client to WAP. When the clients
send request, the packet will captured by Wifite. It
continue lessening for handshake…
Lessening for client handshake
Now it found, captured and saved a handshake
New handshake found and captured
Now try to crack the captured files with Aircrack
and Crunch. To do this type the commands like the
screenshot and press enter.
Create Wordlist and Cracking
Wile the Crunch create password list and the
aircrack check them to find the password.
Cracking Process
It takes time too much just for numbers but be
patent, and if you try to crack alphabets it’s
possible but need more time and a strong
The Second way: Using airmon-ng to set the
wireless card to monitoring mode and airodump-ng
for capturing clients handshake. For cracking again
you must use aircrack with a password list.

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